onsdag den 1. april 2009

Title and Registration

Jeff Buckley is best with candlelight

it's no use, all this
useless wandering around, I think I
cut a hole and
blood came out only it
wasn't blood and it
wasn't not blood it was blood but not from me

have I ever caused anyone to shed blood? even tears? Oh I don't think so, tears are like
little drops of your soul falling each time, you
lose a bit of yourself
no one would lose themselves over me
lose their temper
lose their hair
lose their mind
no, oh no, not over me

see? I'm
worth less than a tear
but you
my dear
you were worth it all

some nights I just sit here in the darkness staring into the nothingness and wonder what I'll become. I have these dreams and ideas and hopes but in the end they all turn to dust one after another, and it's tough to keep track of all the dreams I've had, but one thing's certain: none of them came true. I don't know if it's part of the magic field so that it not only makes people fall in love around me but not with me but also manages to somehow take all my dreams and if not invert them then at least make sure my current situation after something happens is exactly the same as before the spark that ignited it, only this afterwards I'm loaded with that bit more sorrow and knowledge that none of it is ever gonna be as I expected or even hoped. And it's fucking hard to keep going this way, to keep up the fresh happy face and the always optimistic voice, it's fucking hard to be the one to keep other people's heads up when I know that in the end it's gonna back fire, they're gonna back stab me and over take me in the race of life and I'll be left behind once again to sit here with myself and my own problems and worries. And the worst part of it isn't even that, it's that my worst expectations one after another all DO come true. Such as, when I crash, and I do, and hard too, I know that if I open my mouth all that will happen is a friendly pat on the shoulder and a "get over it." Well obviously I have no fucking value to you then.
And I know what you're gonna say and yes, I have tried the medicin, it did fuck all, and no I'm not taking therapy because what fucking use is discussing my life with some cunt with a pen and a pair of glasses gonna do? can fucking talk to myself in a mirror then!!
You know I don't actually know what is causing this. I pray and I pray and I open up and I go out and I start believing, just for a second, in those, oh I won't call them lies but exagerations at least, from people who try to convince me that I'm good enough or even better. But obviously I can't be, because if I was would I feel like this? Would everything I touch go wrong? Would I look like this? would my only strive every day be to survive until it is late enough to go to bed, and then survive the fear of being on my own for long enough to fall asleep and then wake up the next day going through it all once again?
It's not fucking funny, it's not.
looking down every day thinking "how did it go so wrong? where did I stop being the child prodigy and become this failure?" How did I spend all that money and make all these people despise me? what's gonna become of me? I can't fucking work it out anymore, it's a mystery to me. Everything around me regarding what's gonna happen next is a hazy mist and I can't see through it, because I don't have enough willpower to. All I can do is just sit here being stuck in a now that never changes from the one that was a second ago. Eat some more, gain some more weight, moving a bit further from what I should be, from the ideal, the goal I strive for but can no longer reach. And you know as fucking well as me that the points in between are not good enough.
I talk to myself on a daily basis, mild schizophrenia you might call it, but guess what - I don't like me either. So I completely understand why you don't. I just wish I could somehow change it, but like everything else regarding me it's not going to happen. It's. Just. Not. Going. To. Happen.


And if I'm worth your tears or your smile, then fucking show me. I'm sick and tired of the hiding crap. If you love me, just fucking tell me. It's not like it can make anything any worse.

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